7th Circle Conference of Tamil Nadu Telecom Contract Workers Union held successfully.

3 Min Read
By BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
7th Circle Conference of Tamil Nadu Telecom Contract Workers Union held successfully. Image

The 7th Circle Conference of Tamil Nadu Telecom Contract Workers Union, affiliate of BSNLCCWF, was held at Erode on 28th January, 2024. The conference started with hosting the National Flag by Com. P. Marimuthu, leader of CITU and President of Reception Committee. The Red flag of our Union was hoisted by Com. A. Babu Radhakrishnan, AGS, BSNLCCWF. The leaders paid their homage to the martyrs.

Com. P. Abhimanyu, President, CCWF and GS, BSNLEU inaugurated the conference. He spoke elaborately about the present situation of the country, the anti-worker, anti-BSNL and anti-PSU policies of the BJP led Central Govt. He reminded the necessity of a vibrant and militant organization to safe guard the interest of workers. He assured to extend fullest cooperation to the casual and contract workers from BSNLEU.

Com. Animesh Mitra, Secretary General, BSNLCCWF addressed the house and kept his views on the present situation and reminded about the task ahead of us. He appealed to all to raise their voice against the management as well as the Govt. for exploitation of the workers. He said about the issues taken up by BSNLCCWF. He appealed to all to make the Strike in BSNL on 16th February, 2024 a grand success.

The other speakers in the conference were Com. S. Chellappa, AGS, BSNLEU, Com. P. Raju, CS, BSNLEU, Com. R. Rajasekhar, CS, AIBDPA, Com. S. Alagu Nachiar, Convener BSNL WWC. Com. M. Sayed Ethris, Circle Secretary, TNTCWU placed the report of activities and Com. Siril Raj presented the audited statement of accounts before the house for discussion. After discussion by 17 delegates the report and the accounts were unanimously accepted by the house. 5 resolutions were adopted by the house.  Com. C. Palanichamy, Com. M. Sayed Ethris and Com. C. Bhaskar were elected unanimously as President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively.