Submission of Memorandum to the administration.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
It was decided in our last CEC meeting held in Delhi that, the Circle Unions should take proper action to submit the staff problems to the administration in the form of Memorandum. But, we have got the information that some Circle Unions like Chennai Telephone, Telangana, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Kolkata have submi...
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BSNLCCWU, Chennai Organised a Powerful Demonstration Programme.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
On 21st  February, 2025 BSNLCCWU, Chennai Circle, organised a powerful demonstration programme at Chennai in demand of minimum wage, proper implementation of Social Security e.g. EPF, ESI, continuation of CE of Contract Labours even contractor is changed and immediate payment of pending wages for certain sections ...
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Unjustified reduction of the minimum wages to Casual labourers. - BSNL CCWF has requested the Management for early settlement of the problem.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
In the recent past, in response to our memorandum to the CLC on the demand of wages for Casual Labourers based on 7th CPC, the management has replied the CLC that the wages of the Casual Labourers in BSNL are being paid based on 6th CPC. But fact is that, the Casual labours are getting less amount of wages since July, ...
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Demand for payment of pending wages for the Contract Workers for the year 2024. – Secretary General met PGM(SR) and discussed on the subject.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
CHQ is receiving so many complaints from the circle unions that the Contract Workers are not getting their wages pending for the year 2024. It is about 4- 11th Months in the year 2024, the wages is pending in most of the circles on the plea that the Corporate Office is not allotting sufficient fund to the circles. Earl...
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Country wide demonstration programme against the anti-worker Budget.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
As per the call of All the Central Trade Unions for demonstration programme on 5th February,2025, BSNL Casual and Contract Workers Federation will also take part in the demonstration programme in offices and exchanges of BSNL against the anti-worker Budget for 2025-2026. The Central Trade Unions reacted on the issue of...
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BSNLCCWF circular no
Urgent notification to all CHQ office bearers and circle secretaries – take needful action to implement the decisions of the secretariat meeting held on 05th January, 2025.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
We had already notified the decisions of the secretariat meeting held on 05.01.2025, through WhatsApp group to all CHQ office bearers and circle secretaries. In that secretariat meeting, we had reviewed the programme organised in the month of October to December, 2024. In addition, we had taken some decisions to be imp...
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