An online circle level organisational meeting held in Chhattisgarh circle.

1 Min Read
By BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation

The Circle level organisational meeting of BSNLCCWF, Chhattisgarh circle was held on 25th July, 2021. Com.R.S. Bhatt, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Chhattisgarh circle presided over the meeting and gave the inaugural speech. Com.Aswini Koushik, Circle Secretary, BSNLCCWF, Chhattisgarh circle, placed the main points for discussion and mentioned about the sufferings of the labourers due to outsourcing system introduced by BSNL Management. It was also reported that, the wages of the contract labourers is still pending for 8 months in most of the SSA. It was also complained that the Management are not paying the EPF contribution in due time. Com.Animesh Mitra, Secretary General, addressed the online meeting and reported the decisions of Secretariat meeting. It was also suggested by Secretary General to organise some agitational programme in August, 2021, at CGM Office, Raipur, to convey our resentment to the BSNL Management.