BSNL Casual Workers Karmachari Sangha, Odisha circle organised its extended circle working committee meeting at Balasore.

3 Min Read
By BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
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Extended circle working committee meeting of BSNL Casual Workers Karmachari Sangha, Odisha circle, was held at Balasore on 22nd January, 2025. The meeting was inaugurated by CITU leader Com.Nirmal Nayak, who explained the attack of the Modi government on BSNL especially on the contract workers after introduction of Wage Code Bill by the BJP govt. Com.Bishnath Behera, Circle Secretary, BSNLCKS, Odisha circle, narrated the important issues of the contract workers who are facing much hurdles after introduction of SLA system in BSNL. He also highlighted the organisational functioning of the Union at circle and division level. During discussion of the representatives from the districts, it was reported that more than 100 contract workers joined  the union during the “Membership enrolment programme” in November- December, 2024.  About 49 contract workers came from 8 districts to attend this working committee meeting. Com. Animesh Mitra, Secretary General, BSNLCCWF, replied all the burning issues particularly the sufferings of the contract workers who are still in service in BSNL in a distress condition. He also explained the decisions of BSNLCCWF, CHQ secretariat meeting and urged upon the leaders to take suitable action to implement the decisions and programmes . It was decided in the meeting that BSNLCCWF will submit the Memorandum to all GMs/ CGMs on the subject, the responsibility of BSNL to the contract workers as a principal employer as issued by the CLC / CMD in their letters in the recent past. Delegates form 8 district unions out of 13 participated in the working committee meeting along with the circle office bearers. Com.Lakshman Kumar Jena, leader of the BSNLEU, Odisha circle, had also participated in the meeting and delivered valuable speech to the house for the united struggle in BSNL.