BSNL Management responses to the Memorandum of BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation.

3 Min Read
By BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation

BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation submitted the memorandum of charter demands of the casual contract labourers to CLC on 2nd August, 2024. During discussion with Chief Labour Commissioner, Com. Animesh Mitra, Secretary General, highlighted the burning issues of the contractual labourers in the Labour Commissioner office at New Delhi. Thereafter, the BSNL Management was asked from the office of the CLC to clarify about the memorandum of BSNLCCWF. The corporate office replied in writing to CLC on the issue of labour laws violation, that the BSNL management is issuing from time to time advisories/directions/guidelines to field units/ Circles to adhere various applicable Labour Laws/Acts. They also wrote that BSNL is committed to its responsibility as Principal Employer and they have issued various advisories to Circle to assure that the contract workers get all their statutory dues wherever applicable.


On the issue of the listed casual labourers, BSNL Management has also accepted the responsibility for paying pay and allowance of the Casual labourers as the minimum of Gr. D pay scale of 6th CPC. On the issue of 7th CPC wage revision, they have replied that their pay could not be revised as the 3rd PRC in BSNL has not been implemented and it is interrelated with the revision of pay scale of the casual labourers as per 7th CPC. Through sustained struggle of BSNLCCWF, the BSNL management was compelled to clear their position regarding the demands of casual and contractual workers.


In this context it is significant that BSNLCCWF was continuously submitting memorandum to CMD, BSNL as well as discussing the issues of these workers with CMD and Dir(HR), but no positive measurers were taken from their end. At last on 2nd August, 2024 Com. Animesh Mitra, SG, discussed the issue with Chief Labour Commissioner and in terms of that the BSNL management has cleared their position, in writing. Now, it is our duty to pursue the matter with the BSNL Management at BA and circle level based on the above development at CLC.