Circle Conference of Andhra Pradesh BSNL Casual, Contractual Employees and Labour Union held at Vijayawada on 30.07.2023 with mobilisation of good number of contract workers.

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By BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
Circle Conference of Andhra Pradesh BSNL Casual, Contractual Employees and Labour Union held at Vijayawada on 30.07.2023 with mobilisation of good number of contract workers. Image

4th Circle Conference of Andhra Pradesh BSNL Casual, Contractual Employees and Labour Union (BSNLCCELU) was held at Vijayawada on 30.07.2023. Com.P.Ashokababu, presided over the conference. Com.Animesh Mitra, Secretary General, BSNL CCWF, delivered a speech with the information of latest situation of casual contract workers movement in BSNL. He narrated the post VRS situation and role of Modi Govt about BSNL and workers. He also explained about the attack of SLA System to retrench the existing contract workers in BSNL. It has reported in the conference that, even after introduction of SLA system, customers moved to other private companies. The figure is about 64 lakh customers have left in these years. In the conference, a good number of leaders like Com.Ramadevi, CS, BSNLEU, Com.K. Bose, CS, AIBDPA, Com.B.Pari Purna Chari, GS, TBSNLCCELU, Com.A.V. Nageswara Rao, President, CITU, gave their important speech to the delegates. At the concluding part of the Conference, a new body was elected unanimously. A list of new office bearers with Com.Sheikh Karim, JE as President, Com.K.Prabhakara Rao as General Secretary and Com.Sai Babu as Treasurer, has been elected from the conference.