It is good news that our leaders in some circles are taking serious efforts to reorganise their functioning in good manner. In our last CEC meeting held in the month of October, 2024, we had discussed on this subject. It was decided to take action for some specific circles on priority basis. Accordingly, the report has come as follows:-
(1) Chennai circle.
CHQ had requested the BSNL Employees Union (CHQ) and Chennai circle union also to take appropriate action to reorganise the circle union functioning in proper manner. Accordingly, one convention held at Chennai on 04th January, 2024, which was inaugurated by Com.S. Chellappa, AGS, BSNLEU. Com.A. Pasha Begum, Circle Vice President, BSNLEU, presided over the conference. Com.Sridharasubramian, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, welcomed everyone and explained the necessity for holding the conference. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU & President, BSNLCCWF, addressed the conference and spoke in detail about the problems of the contract workers and the action taken by the BSNL Employees Union and BSNLCCWF together. Around 50 contract workers came from different part of Chennai to participate in the conference. After discussion of the members, the conference has elected the new office bearers of circle union unanimously.
(2) NE-I circle (Tripura district).
The BSNLCCWF, Tripura district union had organised it’s biennial conference at Tripura on 05.01.2025 at Agartala. Com.Mintu Bhowmic, President, BSNLCCWF, presided over the meeting. More than 100 contract and casual labourers came in the conference from different part of Tripura. Com.Subir Nandi, District Secretary, placed the secretariat report and narrated the present situation of the casual and contract workers and their struggle in Tripura. 15 delegates took part in the discussions and they have explained their major demands on the issue of 7th CPC, EPF, ESI issue, etc. Comm.Sankar Malakar, Circle Secretary, NE-I and Com.Prasenjit Saha, ASG, BSNLCCWF, gave their valuable speech and narrated about the present situation in BSNL and course of trade union action by the BSNLEU and BSNLCCWF. Com.Babul Das, ACS, BSNLEU, Com.Sankar Bardhan, District Secretary, AIBDPA, gave their valuable speech in the conference. Conference has accepted the resolution for conducting the sustain struggles against the wage code bill of the Modi government. The office bearers was elected unanimously as Com.Babul Das, President, Com.Subir Nandi, District Secretary and Comm.Samir Das as Treasurer.
(3) Circle Working Committee meeting of BSNLCCWF, Odisha circle is going to be held at Balasore.
It is good news that the BSNL Karmachari Sangh, Odisha circle, (Affiliated to BSNLCCWF) is going to be held at Balasore (Odisha) on 22.01.2025. It was a request of CHQ to take appropriate action for holding of circle working committee meeting for the discussion for better functioning of circle union in Odisha circle. Accordingly, Com.Bishwanath Behera, Circle Secretary, BSNLCCWF, Odisha circle, has arranged the meeting at Balasore for which the office bearers and district secretaries will attend the meeting. Com.Animesh Mitra, Secretary General, BSNLCCWF, will inaugurate the working committee meeting. The leaders of CITU and BSNLEU, will also attend the meeting to give their guideline for better functioning of the circle union.