Report of the Online CEC Meeting of BSNLCCWF.

2 Min Read
By BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation

An online meeting of Central Executive Committee of BSNL Casual and Contract Workers' Federation was held on 29th January, 2022. More than 20 members participated in the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Com VAN. Namboodiri, President. At the outset, Com Animesh Mitra, Secretary General explained in details the present situation of Contract and Casual Workers. He further mentioned that we have to fight against the new policy of outsourcing (SLA) which has been implemented by the BSNL Management.  Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU delivered his speech and stated that BSNLCCWF organisation is to be strengthen for future action against the policy of outsourcing.


After threadbare discussion the following decisions were taken:-

(1) BSNLCCWF calls upon the workers to participate in the Strike on 28th and 29th March 2022.

(2) Movement will be organised for pending wages and re-engagement of the Contract Workers.