Revision of wages of the casual labourers based on 7th CPC – matter was discussed with CMD BSNL.

1 Min Read
By BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation

In the last National Council meeting, it was decided that the revision of casual labourers wages based on 7th CPC would be delinked from the 3rd PRC in BSNL. But, it is unfortunate that 3 years passed away after the last National Council meeting. But the BSNL Management has not yet considered the demand of casual labourers to revise the wages based on 7th CPC recommendation. The matter was raised in the meeting with CMD BSNL on 28.04.2022, by Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, President and Com.Animesh Mitra, Secretary General and urge upon to take appropriate decision in this regard, without further delay.
