It was decided in our last CEC meeting held in Delhi that, the Circle Unions should take proper action to submit the staff problems to the administration in the form of Memorandum. But, we have got the information that some Circle Unions like Chennai Telephone, Telangana, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Kolkata have submitted the memorandum to the respective CGMs / GMs.
Once more, we are requesting the other Circle Unions to take needful action to submit the memorandum of the Contract & Casual Labours problems to the administration. If you have any problem, please discuss the matter with your Circle Secretary, BSNLEU who can help you, in this matter. But, it is more important for CHQ to get your problems so that we can submit it to the BSNL Management at Corporate Office. Particularly, the pending wages issue of the contract workers should be brought to the notice of CHQ at the earliest.