To all our Comrades, Friends and Well Wishers!

3 Min Read
By BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation

BSNLCCWF Website was not functioning for some time. Financial difficulty was one of the reasons.

Now we are starting the website once again, trying to overcome the difficulties. From today onwards news about BSNLCCWF, our problems, general issues etc will be posted.

The Covid pandemic has taken away lakhs of people all over the world. Many of our comrades also are victims. My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families.

Attack on our jobs, wages and social security measures continue. Thousands of workers have been retrenched. Wages are due for months and in some circle, years. SLA system is introduced.

Our task is to settle our problems at the earliest. A strong organisation is required for the same. BSNLEU and AIBDPA are also with us in this respect with us. A Co-ordinating Committee has been formed with Com. K.G.Jayaraj, GS, AIBDPA as Chairman, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU as Convener and Com Animesh Mitra, SG, BSNLCCWF as Joint Convener. Joint efforts will be made to settle the problems.

Attacks on the working class continues. PSUs are being privatised. Trade Union rights are being taken away. Kisans are on a long battle for their existence. We are also part of these united struggles.

Despite all difficulties, we have to strengthen the union and move forward for settling our demands and ensuring our rights. Let us move forward together.

With Warm Greetings,


President, BSNLCCWF.