Wage  Before Dewali 31 10 2021-1
Payment of wage before Deepawali to contract labourers – BSNLCCWF writes to CMD BSNL.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
A good amount of wages for the contract workers is still pending with the Corporate Office for payment. Deepawali and Chhot Puja is knocking at the door. But the contact workers are still waiting to get their pending wages. BSNLCCWF had written a letter to CMD on 30th October, 2021 with a request for allotment of suffi...
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An appeal to Casual & Contract Workers.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
Dear Comrades, BSNLCCWF calls upon all the casual & contract workers to make successful the programme at the call of BSNL Co-ordination Committee ‘March to CGMT Office' on 22nd October, 2021 in demand to settle the burning problems of the employees and workers which have been incorporated in the 15 charte...
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Online Central Executive Committee Meeting of BSNLCCWF held on 05-09-2021 - discussion held with all seriousness.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
An online meeting of the Central Executive Committee of BSNLCCWF was held on 5-09-2021. The meeting was presided over by Comrade V. A. N. Namboodiri. It was about 21 circle Secretaries/ CHQ office bearers participated in the meeting. At the outset, Comrade Animesh Mitra, Secretary General, presented his report wherein ...
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Circle Office bearers meeting of BSNLCCWF, NE1 Circle, held on 24.08.2021.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
The Circle Office bearers meeting of BSNLCCWF, NE1 Circle was held on 24.08.2021. The meeting was presided by the working president, Com. Babul. The meeting was inaugurated by Com. Tapas Ghosh. The District Secretaries and other leaders of Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura delivered their speech. They explained the present s...
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Meeting of Circle leadership of BSNLCCWF is continuing in different circles.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
Meeting in UP (West) circle:- It was good attendance of the BSNLCCWF leadership in the online meeting of UP West circle. Com. Ansar Ali presided over the meeting and Com.VAN Namboodiri inaugurated the meeting. It has been reported that a good number of contract workers are being retrenched for which our organisation h...
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Demand for scraping the outsourcing system raised in the meeting of AUAB with CMD.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
There was a meeting of AUAB with CMD, BSNL which was held on 27th July,2021. President of BSNLEU, Com. Animesh Mitra was present in the meeting as a representative of BSNLEU. In this discussion there was a demand in the 10 point charter of demands to scrape the outsourcing process through SLA. All the representatives o...
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