Calcutta Telephones Thika Mazdoor Union organised the circle office bearers meeting.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
The Calcutta Telephones Thika Mazdoor Union had organised an online meeting of it’s office bearers on 20th June, 2021. Com.Sisir Roy, President, CTTMU, presided over the meeting while Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, President, BSNLCCWF, inaugurated the session. Com.Tapas Banerjee, Actg. Circle Secretary, placed the report...
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An online circle level organisational meeting held in Chhattisgarh circle.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
The Circle level organisational meeting of BSNLCCWF, Chhattisgarh circle was held on 25th July, 2021. Com.R.S. Bhatt, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Chhattisgarh circle presided over the meeting and gave the inaugural speech. Com.Aswini Koushik, Circle Secretary, BSNLCCWF, Chhattisgarh circle, placed the main points for dis...
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Organisational review meeting is going on in all circles to review the casual contract labourers position as on today.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
It is a good news that the circle unions of BSNL CCWF are taking the initiative to organise the meetings of the office bearers at circle level to review the present situation. It was decided in our last Secretariat meeting of BSNL CCWF to hold the circle level organisation meeting. Accordingly, we have received the inf...
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Emergent Secretariat meeting of BSNL CCWF held to review the present situation of contract labourers in BSNL.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
An emergent Secretariat meeting of BSNL CCWF was held on 11th July,2021. Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, presided over the meeting. It was an online meeting, due to Covid situation. Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, President, inaugurated the session and narrated the attack of Modi government on PSUs and the present situation in BSNL also...
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BSNL CCWF will extend full support to the AUAB programme in 2021.
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
It is a good news that the joint platform of the Trade Unions in BSNL have taken a decision to start agitational programme to save BSNL and save workers in July, 2021. In the 10 point of charter of demands of the AUAB, they have accepted the important demand of the contractual labours, i.e., the demand of no outsourcin...
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To all our Comrades, Friends and Well Wishers!
BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation
BSNLCCWF Website was not functioning for some time. Financial difficulty was one of the reasons. Now we are starting the website once again, trying to overcome the difficulties. From today onwards news about BSNLCCWF, our problems, general issues etc will be posted. The Covid pandemic has taken away lakhs of people a...
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